Our Core Values

Our Core Values


We contribute our time, energy, and resources to the community that cultivates our team and imbues it with a sense of purpose. We particularly focus on supporting immigrants to integrate the American society, women, children’s health, and education.


We strive for success of our people, attitude, and action. We treat our commitment to success as a principle. We educate ourselves on American laws, culture, and opportunities and incorporate their use to be successful.


Build a community based on trust and honesty in all areas of life, in our lives with the lord, professional work, and personal lives. When faced with difficult decisions and hard choices, we do the right thing, even in the face of adversity.


We are passionate about creating an inclusive nonprofit organization that promotes and values diversity. Diversity in age, gender identity, race, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, culture and perspective. That is creating an environment where everyone, from any culture and background, can do their best and the right thing.